Offshore Handling Tools Ensure Powerful Safety Solutions For Work Operations

offshore handling tool

Handling systems provide hand safety tools that support a hands-free working environment. The offshore handling tool is designed by the rig workers to address specific challenges in the movement and positioning of the loads. It supplies a robust safety solution to every operational activity. The tools reduce the need to place the hands on the load to mitigate and eliminate the risk associated with the activity.

Offshore handling systems tools

The offshore handling systems tools are lightweight and made from polyethylene. Its durable and lightweight design makes it ideal to use by hand in the toughest environments. The tools are fire and mechanically stress-tested.

Different handling tools

General cargo handling tools

The handling toll is used to position deck cargo, which ranges from enclosed power packs to containers or open-ended half-height baskets. Innovative and unique design ensures reduction in hand-related and finger injuries.

About - Offshore Handling Systems

Drill pipe casing tools

The large single-pipe movement is challenging. The length and arc shape of this offshore handling tool lets the handler stay at a safe distance and hand-free at all times.

Drill pipe connection guides

The drill pipe connection guides the design to reduce hand-to-pipe contact to allow handlers to keep their hands clear of potential crush areas and give a better view of the pipe connection. Using the two handlers correctly reduces exposure to harmful drilling fluids.

Drill pipe handling tools

The tool completes the use of rope or tag lines by offering exceptional control of the load. The flexibility offers the handler for easy landing and movement. Handling tools can reduce the need to place hands on the load physically. Thus, it can eliminate the risk associated with offshore activity. The durable and lightweight design will make these tools ideal to use by hand during the toughest environments.

Handling tools come in categories, ranging from open-ended half-height baskets to enclosed power packs. 


Offshore handling tools are durable safety solutions in the offshore gas and oil industry, targeting less work by hand and finger injuries. These handling tools are used for positioning deck cargo so it helps avoid possible injuries that might happen. The offshore handling tools are useful for reducing the risk of injury by allowing the workers to move and position the loads without touching them physically.

Offshore handling tools can address specific challenges and create a hands-free working environment. Prioritizing these tools prevents accidents in the workspace and promotes a culture of safety within the workplace.